Everything Unexpected You Didn't Know About Kayla P

Everything Unexpected You Didn't Know About Kayla P

Kayla P! One of two Kaylas here at Hello Adorn and truly one of the most caring individuals on this very earth. Things just happen to Kayla…like a LOT of …things. We brought her on the pod to dive into some of her life’s wildest/most random moments and she kept us giggling. Here’s a highlight reel of her unexpected, but there’s a LOT more to this cool chick than these ten fast facts. For the full scoop, tune into the pod OR dm her on IG. She’ll quickly become your best friend and will start bringing you an iced coffee from Casey’s when you need it most. 

Kayla's smoothie bowls.
She’s vegan.
Kayla and her fiance Sam have been vegan for almost 7 years. She claims “being vegan is easy now”, but only because Toppers have a vegan menu. 

Kayla flexing her arms.
One time she broke both of her arms. Did you ALSO think that this only ever happens in the movies?  

Kayla doing yoga.
She is a yoga teacher.
And one of Eau Claire’s BEST. What makes her classes so great? Her music, fast-paced cadence, and wise, encouraging words. Namaste. 

Kayla's thick hair.
No one has thicker hair than Kayla.
Her hair is so thick that she puts little braids along the bottom half of her hairline to keep it from tangling. That’s why her hair is so big–it’s full of secrets (mine).

Kayla on a Christmas tree farm.
She grew up on a Christmas tree farm.
Is her life a Hallmark movie?? Her family just wrapped up their LAST season of Christmas tree farm operations after 37 years! 

Kayla, Kayla, Kayla.
Both of her best friends are also named Kayla. This is NOT a drill. Kayla, Kayla, and Kayla, often mistaken for “me, myself and I.”  Favorite joke– say Kayla and watch us all turn.

Kayla getting engaged.
She got engaged in Costa Rica–and is getting married this summer!
She’s vegan but is still providing cupcakes for her guests. I’m tellin’ ya, the heart of this gal–it’s big!! 

Kayla P's school pictures.Last year at this time, she was a middle school math teacher. Kayla has been lovin’ the freedom of being able to go to the bathroom whenever she wants, but certainly misses some of those kids keepin’ her on her toes. 

Kayla eating peanut butter.
She is heavily addicted to peanut butter. A spoonful of PB keeps the natural medicine doc away AND is a regular 3pm snack for Kayla. 

Full Circle Ring.
The first piece of jewelry she ever bought was the Full Circle Ring. She has SINCE gifted this maiden piece to one of her BFFs Kayla because she is THAT nice and she just has that much more jewelry now. :) 

There are 20 more random facts to list, but we can’t give away too much info about this gem. Thanks for joining the pod Kayla–you’re such a sweet lil blessing to this HA team.